Offcanvas Wave

Get in touch

Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

+44 0161 232 1223

We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email


Alice Merida Richards

Merida participated in 'Conversations Series III: Narratives' a 6 month residency working in collaboration with Venture Arts artists, particularly with Horace Lindsey on "Falling" music and video.

Alice Merida Richards is a multidisciplinary artist and facilitator based in Manchester, specializing in ceramics and sound.
With over a decade of experience in studio-based ceramics and an extensive background in making and production, her work is anchored in material exploration, collaborative practice, and process-oriented outcomes.
Richards’ work seeks to foster dialogue and forge connections across time, utilizing imagery and sounds from the past to resonate with the present. She engages with talismanic figures from history—whether artists, relatives, or cultural icons—to bridge her world with theirs. This symbolic or actual collaboration is a fundamental aspect of her practice, highlighting the interconnectedness of different eras and perspectives

Alice Merida Richards's exhibitions and events

  • Abstraction 2024

    Neighbourhood Gallery

  • Manchester Ceramics Collective Showcase for GNCCF 2023

    Victoria Baths

  • Narratives 2023

    The Lowry Gallery Salford


We are delighted when people want to commission work from us and our artists. This can either be as a group project or an individual artist creating one of their unique pieces for you.

To find out more and to arrange a studio visit please contact Katherine Long on 0161 232 1223 or email

An arm holding a white pen leaning over a large piece of art painted orange.