Offcanvas Wave

Get in touch

Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

+44 0161 232 1223

We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email

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Make a Donation

Your donations
change lives

A rainbow in pink, green, orange and yellow

Our studio could not exist without donations from people like you.

As a charity we rely on the generous support of our donors. Every contribution, big or small, helps people to access our life-changing programmes. Can you make a donation today?

Consider a monthly contribution to support our artists throughout the year.

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Discover the difference your donations make in people’s lives and the impact of your support

Artist Sally Hirst working on a ceramics project

Sally Hirst

Sally’s work showcases a rich imagination, with detailed and delicate drawing, prints and embroidery.

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Leslie Thompson sitting at a desk drawing, with one of his artworks displayed on an easel

Leslie Thompson

Leslie has been a Venture Arts studio artist for over 30 years. His work is fluent, figurative and full of character.

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Artist sat at a table in front of a large piece of pastel artwork.

Ahmed Mohammed

Ahmed’s intuitive drawing style has developed greatly during his time at Venture Arts. His art is densely worked and colour-saturated.

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Artist Horace Lindezey sat at a desk embroidering. He is smiling down at this work.

Horace Lindezey

Horace has been a regular fixture at Venture Arts for well over a quarter of a century.

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Other ways to support

Manchester runners 2019 image

Fundraise for us

Could you take part in a fundraiser for Venture Arts?


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A gift in your will

Support the learning disabled artists of the future by leaving a gift in your will.

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