Offcanvas Wave

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Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

+44 0161 232 1223

We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email


Laura Nathan

Laura Nathan is a contemporary textiles artist exploring cultural identity, heritage and intergenerational trauma through a hands-on and laborious engagement with symbolic materials, family archives and testimony. She collaborated with Venture Arts artist Sarah Lee for Conversations Series' Narratives Residency.

Laura Nathan is a contemporary textile artist and facilitator who works with archives, inherited objects, and symbolic materials. Being the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors has shaped who she is, and she focuses on how we uncover, process and share difficult histories.  Laura is currently an artist in residence at the Holocaust Centre North, England and she is responding to oral history testimonies and intergenerational interviews. This experience is increasing Laura’s understanding of trauma and its impact generationally.

Laura has over 17 years’ experience facilitating socially engaged projects within diverse communities. Laura strives to use art as a tool to explore and celebrate cultural heritage and to encourage intercultural dialogues.

Laura was an artist in residency on Conversation Series III: Narratives alongside Venture Arts artist Sarah Lee. They were based at Manchester Jewish Museum and together explored shared Jewish ancestry and the Holocaust. They exhibited Threads and Testimony at Manchester Museum and at The Lowry Gallery Salford.

You can find out more about Laura’s practice here.

Recent Projects and Awards

Memorial Gestures 3:

Art Residency, Holocaust Centre North, 2024-5

Independent Creative of The Year- Finalist

Manchester Culture Awards 2024

“I was 8814” – Documentary Commission

Illustrating Kindertransport survivor Hanna Zack Miley’s memories to feature in the Documentary “I was 8814”

“Engaging With Inherited Archives”

Develop Your Creative Practice Award, Arts Council England, 2023 

Conversation Series iii: Narratives

Art Residency, Venture Arts, 2022



AIR OPEN 2024, Rogue Studios, 2024

A Small Space On Tour, Tata Art Space, Bali, 2024

Comme Ca Art x AWOL Studios Open Call Exhibition, Manchester, 2024 ( Highly Commended Award)

Art Speak- Conversations Between Art and Language- Norman Rea Gallery, 2023 

AIR OPEN 2023, AIR Gallery, Manchester 2023  

A Small Space, An Exhibition Of Small Works, 285 Deansgate, Manchester,  2023

Art After Loss, Inch Arts, Altrincham, 2023

Narratives: Threads & Testimony, Manchester Jewish Museum, 2023 

Fibres, Air Gallery, Altrincham, 2023  

We         Remember         Them        In        Verbs,       Manchester          Jewish   Museum, 2023

Conversation Series III: Narratives The Lowry, Salford, 2023.  

The Manchester Contemporary 2022, Manchester Central, 2022 

Manchester Open Exhibition 2022, HOME, Manchester, 2022 

Laura Nathan's exhibitions and events


We are delighted when people want to commission work from us and our artists. This can either be as a group project or an individual artist creating one of their unique pieces for you.

To find out more and to arrange a studio visit please contact Katherine Long on 0161 232 1223 or email

An arm holding a white pen leaning over a large piece of art painted orange.