Co-Creating Change have announced its first five commissions, awarding nearly £60,000 to five projects to effect real social change across the country. The commissions bring together artists, local creative organisations and their communities to work creatively and collaboratively together, to tackle wide ranging subjects and issues.
Venture Arts are delighted to be a part of Exchange 62, alongside Artlink in Hull and Pyramid of Arts.
Exchange 62: northern disabled artists exchange – a new initiative between Artlink Hull, Pyramid of Arts, Leeds and Venture Arts, Manchester. The programme will support a disabled artist from each of these areas to develop and lead their own exchange programme with the goal of long-term social change.
‘We are so excited to hear this news and to be a part of this brilliant project which will see disabled artists taking the lead in building a network which will be force for change in the North’ - Amanda Sutton, Director, Venture Arts
See the full list of new commissions
About Co-Creating Change
Co-Creating Change is a network and programme which explores the role which artists, cultural organisations and communities can play to co-create change together around the UK and beyond. The network aims to support projects which see people and partners working together to
jointly develop and create, as opposed to conventional participatory arts projects, in which people are invited to
join in with the work of an artist or organisation. It brings people together to share skills and knowledge, commissions the development of new or existing co-creation projects, aids the growth of co-creation practices by supporting national and international touring, helps make such work sustainable by developing an international marketplace, and works with funders, critics and policy makers to develop the conditions in which this work can flourish.
The network is supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Arts Council England and the Paul Hamlyn Fund, and consists of over 100 partners across the country with
Battersea Arts Centre acting as lead facilitating partner.