11 February 2019
Venture Arts are proud to announce that their Create to Educate - Schools Project has received a grant of £17,790 from People's Postcode Trust.
Venture Arts are delighted to have received a grant from People's Postcode Trust to help us to continue our Create to Educate - Working in Schools programme. Our Schools Projects are led by our professional artists and co-facilitated by fully trained ‘Learning Mentors’ who have a learning disability. Working with a number of schools per year these workshops enable young people to gain new arts experiences and also to learn about learning disability in the process, thus breaking down stereotypes and changing attitudes so that people who have a learning disability can be treated fairly and equally in our society. Amanda Sutton, Director of Venture Arts says:‘We are very much looking forward to welcoming visitors from the People’s Postcode Trust to Venture Arts later today, it’s just so fantastic that they have awarded us funds to be able to continue working with young people from local schools. This is such a meaningful part of what we do; young people get to make great art facilitated by learning disabled artists, it’s all about equality and community, so valuable for all of us!'These projects have been made possible by a grant from People’s Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. www.postcodetrust.org.uk