Venture Arts,43 Old Birley Street,Manchester, M15 5RF
+44 0161 232 1223
We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email
Apart – but together – our online social programme for participants is launched
29 April 2020
Apart - but still together during social distancing - our participants are enjoying each other’s company through online activities run by our tutors and volunteers: virtual sing-alongs and bops; quizzes and group chats; footie club and exercise; relaxing yoga and meditation and more…
Venture Arts participant, John Groarke joins the first sing-along
The sing-along went down well with participants. Despite a few little blips with sound quality, the feedback was positive. Michael really enjoyed it and wants to do it again. He liked “singing 'Let it Go' loudly” (his personal song choice). Making it a family affair, his dad thought it was great and his sisters were up dancing when One Direction came on!
Amber Okpa-Stother, our Public Engagement Assistant also took part in the sing-along. Here's what she had to say about it:
"What the Venture Arts sing-along session was about was everyone getting together from Venture Arts to sing their favourite songs which they like. The people that were there were the Venture Arts participants and staff who were on Zoom and the volunteers that volunteer at Venture Arts. It was really great to see everyone as I have missed the people. I think it was really nice working with Ruby, Ellen and Sally as they made sure everyone was able to take part who wanted to sing and they were really fun and energetic.
What was good about the sing-along is you could see quite a lot of people who attended Venture Arts... and it was really nice to have everyone coming together in a different way than they have done before. I thought that Ruby (pictured above) had the most incredible singing voice which was really nice to hear too. I noticed there was a few Disney songs and sometimes I think it's nice to vary it a bit from hearing a lot of Disney songs...
I would like to do it again as I thought doing the sing-along was really fun and it gives everyone something to do."