We’re excited to be working with Outside In and The Whitworth to deliver the North West Hub for Artist Development, which aims to create and expand opportunities for artists who face barriers to participation in the arts world.
As part of this programme we are delivering a series of artist residencies, our latest with artist, Paul David Clark.
Paul took part in a residency with us from 30th November to 14th December 2022, working alongside The Whitworth and Bury Art Museum.
Paul is a hugely talented and prolific artist who works across two very different mediums and styles. He creates very finely detailed, naturalistic watercolour landscapes as well as wonderfully colourful and bright abstract cartoons. His residency had two main aims; firstly, Paul wanted to try out working on a larger scale than the A5 or A4 sketchbooks he usually created his vibrant designs in.
Secondly, Paul wanted to develop his understanding of and confidence in using acrylic paints. He has been working alongside Millie Loveday (@Loveday_Art) and Ellie Page (@elliepageok) at The Whitworth in their beautifully located CLORE Garden Studio, learning how to create various different effects with acrylic paints as well as coming up with new, larger designs. Over to Paul...
“When I heard I was selected for this artist residency, I was so pleased and honoured to have an opportunity like this to come my way. It felt like Christmas had come early. Ellie set up this residency through Venture Arts. I’m so blessed to get to know Ellie and have time to work alongside her. I recommend a residency to anyone who is passionate and love for art.
Being at The Whitworth Art Gallery and being able to use the CLORE studio, which looks out at the gardens – I’m so lucky. Ellie is a lovely person; even though I haven’t known her long, it’s like I have known her for years. I am so thankful for all her time and hard work; it is so appreciated. I also appreciate the help and support from my brother. I would be so lost without all the support I receive from so many people.

The first couple of sessions at The Whitworth have gone so quickly. They have been so enjoyable. My brother came with me to the first one. A few days before, I was kindly given a bag of excellent quality art materials. I’m making great use of them. I knew when I saw them that I was going to get excellent results. My brother really enjoyed coming to meet Ellie, a great leisurely session to get our bearings, which is always a great idea. I did some creating in the studio and that was great fun. Watching the light fade away due to the time of year…
The following day at The Whitworth, I was doing acrylic painting and techniques recommended by an artist I worked alongside, Millie Loveday. When she arrived, her bubbly personality lit up the studio. I knew straight away what a very enjoyable, fun afternoon we had in store. I couldn’t wait to get stuck in and start painting.

The part I was looking forward to was having a go at the techniques Millie suggested. Also, I took along a book by one of my favourite artists, ‘Alwyn Crawshaw’s Acrylic Painting Course’, which was a hit with Millie and Ellie. The techniques we were having a go at ranged from thick paint, wet on dry, wet on wet, scarfitti, dry brush, blending, impasto, mixing colour on the surface, and also glazing.
The second part of the session was doing an exercise on fruit, veg and later bog roll. [They had] interesting shapes, angles, perspectives and colours. I was really pleased with my version; I took a bit of artistic license. It was a magical experience.”
If you’re interested in an artist residency with Venture Arts email
ellie@venturearts.org or text
07539 371 070.