Chelsea Dalton
Chelsea is inspired by animals, and particularly enjoys creating imaginary worlds and adventures for cats.
Chelsea Dalton depicts animals of all kinds. She is particularly inspired by cats, both real and imaginary.
How long have you been making art?
“A long time, since I was in Kindergarten.”
What are your favourite art materials to work with?
“Pencils and pencil crayons.”
What is your art about?
“Just my imagination and my creative voice. Also, my favourite animals.”
What, or who, inspires you as an artist?
“Animals are my inspiration, and when I look outside, the trees and stuff I usually see is my inspiration.
“My cat Tina has been my inspiration because when I look at pictures of her, I want to draw that. I also like to draw my dream cats, Ginny and Lily.”
What has been your proudest moment as an artist?
“My favourite artworks that I’ve done are my cat pictures. Because they are my inspiration to draw. I also did a stitching project with Laura, and made ‘The Cat Who Loves Spring’, it was my first masterpiece!”
Is there anything else you would like to say about your art?
“I like my artwork because it’s fun to draw and sometimes do print painting too.”
Chelsea Dalton's exhibitions and events
- Manchester Open 2024 28th Apr 2024
- Completely a Hustling Place 31st Dec 2021
20:20 Print Exchange
Hot Bed Press, Salford,
2022. -
Completely A Hustling Place
Manchester Central Library,
I like being an artist and being creative. It makes me feel great and it makes me feel relaxed when I feel anxious about something. Whenever I’m feeling something like sad, I can just draw, and that can help.

We are delighted when people want to commission work from us and our artists. This can either be as a group project or an individual artist creating one of their unique pieces for you.
To find out more and to arrange a studio visit please contact Katherine Long on 0161 232 1223 or email