Offcanvas Wave

Get in touch

Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

+44 0161 232 1223

We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email

Horace Lindezey

Enamel Badge


The 'I Love Venture Arts' badge, handwriting design and concept by Horace Lindezey.

This enamel pin badge is based on ‘The Blue Plaque Series’ an ongoing project by Horace Lindezey that started in 2019, which has seen him create over 40 ceramic blue plaques to date, celebrating the lives of actors, politicians, musicians, TV presenters and TV characters that have influenced Horace.

The Blue Plaques have been shown in many exhibitions including YESS LAD at TJ Boulting, Fitzrovia, London, Narratives at The Lowry, Salford Quays, Bronzers at Slugtown, Newcastle and Humanity at Sotheby’s, London.

You can read terms and conditions for our shop purchases here.



Enamel Badge


Enamel brass stamped badge with butterfly fixing size 30mm
Handwriting design and concept by Horace Lindezey

2 in stock

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About the artist

Horace Lindezey

Horace Lindezey has been a practising artist for over 30 years. He is a skilled illustrator, textile artist, sculptor and ceramicist.

21 blue plaques on white wall each with white writing on


We are delighted when people want to commission work from us and our artists. This can either be as a group project or an individual artist creating one of their unique pieces for you.

To find out more and to arrange a studio visit please contact Katherine Long on 0161 232 1223 or email

An arm holding a white pen leaning over a large piece of art painted orange.