Offcanvas Wave

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Venture Arts, 43 Old Birley Street, Manchester, M15 5RF

+44 0161 232 1223

We’re always happy to hear from journalists and writers who are interested in Venture Arts and our work. Please contact Debbie Cowley, Marketing and Communications Officer, on 0161 232 1223 or email

Amy Ellison

Zine; Can’t Help Falling In Love


This zine is a collection of photos alongside lyrics from the hit songs of Elvis.

"I like Elvis Presley because he’s my favourite because it’s nice songs. That film of Elvis I’m grateful for because Elvis is my favourite. I dressed up Martin in clothes of Elvis, and we went to Chorlton Water Park to take photos of the Elvis Presley’s costume. I take photos near the water because his wife and children go to the sea and go swimming in the film. It’s fun and photography is my life."

- Amy Ellison


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Zine; Can’t Help Falling In Love


Amy Ellison, Can’t Help Falling In Love

A5 Full Colour
Photograph/Lyric Zine

Category: Tag:
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About the artist

Amy Ellison

Amy Ellison has been based at Venture Arts studios since 2010, working across photography, digital illustration, textiles and printmaking.

Stencil print of Deidre Barlow designed by Amy Ellison


We are delighted when people want to commission work from us and our artists. This can either be as a group project or an individual artist creating one of their unique pieces for you.

To find out more and to arrange a studio visit please contact Katherine Long on 0161 232 1223 or email

An arm holding a white pen leaning over a large piece of art painted orange.