14 June 2018
Learning Disability Week 2018
'Colour in Corrie' by Amy Ellison
Learning Disability Week 2018 runs from the 18th- 24th of June. This year Mencap's theme for Learning Disability Week is 'Health' with a big focus on their Treat Me Well campaign. To celebrate Learning Disability Week 2018 we are sharing artist Amy Ellison’s colouring book illustration ‘Colour in Corrie’ a layered composition of characters, past and present, from Coronation Street, the famous ITV soap that inspires many of our artists and their creative practice everyday. To help raise awareness of Learning Disability Week 2018 and to tie in with Mencap’s theme, we are inviting you to join us to take a few mindful minutes of your day to relax and refocus and colour in Corrie. ‘I am so happy to be sharing my artwork with you for Learning Disability Week. Make sure you colour it in neatly! First I drew Coronation Street characters on paper then I traced it. I traced it on paper in different ways. I made patterns, heart shapes, triangles and waves to go inside.’’ – Amy Ellison Share your finished coloured in artwork with us and send us a photo on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag’s below and to help raise awareness of Learning Disability Week!#LDWeek18 #ColourinCorrie
Twitter | @VentureArts Instagram | @venturearts_ Facebook | @VentureArtsManchester Print off your own 'Colour in Corrie' colouring in sheet here!
- Your brain experiences relief by entering a meditative state
- Stress and anxiety levels have the potential to be lowered
- Colouring in helps to keep negative thoughts at bay and promotes positivity
- Focusing on the present helps you achieve mindfulness
- Unplugging from technology promotes creation over consumption
- Coloring can be done by anyone, not just artists or creative types
- It’s a hobby that can be taken with you wherever you go