Team Venture Arts is back for the Great Manchester Run 2020 on Sunday 24 May - making a supercharged effort to run 10k to raise £10k!
Last year’s team raised an amazing total of over £5,000. This time we aim to smash this amount to raise money for new cameras and digital equipment. Our 9-year-old iPads, for example, are on their last legs and are central to a lot of the work we do. Also, parts of our studio are in urgent need of repair.
Can you help us? You can do this in two ways:
1. Donate to Team Venture Arts via our
JustGiving page here.
2. Or, if you’re keen to do the Great Manchester Run yourself, why not choose Venture Arts as your charity and raise sponsorship for us. You might even like to join the Venture Arts official Team.
If you run for Team Venture Arts, you don’t need to pay the £39 Run entry fee, but we do ask that you agree to achieve at least £100 of sponsorship for us please. You’ll be provided with fundraising resources to help you get started and we’ll keep in touch in the build-up to the event. You’ll also be invited to a post-Run ‘thank you’ celebration!
Contact Kathryn:
events@venturearts.org to find out how you can join us and take part in one of Manchester's biggest and most popular mass-participation events.
The more money raised, the more our team will be spurred on, and your support will be very much appreciated. It's the last time we'll be doing the event for a few years and we want to make it a bumper fundraiser for the benefit of all the local learning disabled people that gain so much from being part of Venture Arts.